Medea by Euripides: August 19 at the 8th Andros International Festival

Andros Open Theater
Friday, August 19, at 9 p.m
Tickets for the show are sold out
"Love's hatred is a deep and incurable wound"
Emilios Chilakis and Manolis Dounias direct one of the most heartbreaking works of world theatre. Euripides' Medea, as adapted and imagined by the two directors, follows the pattern of the ancient tragedy that requires three actors to play all the characters of the drama.
Athena Maximou, Emilios Cheilakis and Anastasis Roilos take on the roles of the play (Medea, Jason, Creon, Teacher, Aegeus, Trofos, Angelos), while in the Dance we meet two top performers: Iota Nega and Myrto Alikakis.
The performance is staged at the Open Theater of Chora, on Friday, August 19 at 9:00 p.m., as part of the 8th International Festival of Andros.
The emblematic work of ancient Greek literature is presented in a new translation by Giorgos Blanas and original live music by Dimitris Kamarotos. The sets and costumes are designed by Eva Nathena, the motion is handled by Patricia Apergi and the lighting
Nikos Vlasopoulos.
At the Dance we meet some of the most talented actors and dancers of the new generation: Petrina Giannakou, Maira Gravanis, Alexandra Drandakis, Giorgos Zygouris, Eleftheria Kontogeorgis, Erietta Manouris, Vassilis Boutsikos, Giorgos Noussis, Dafni Stathatou. They are joined on stage by the composer Dimitris Kamarotos.
In Medea love overturns logic, transforms people, besieges even the most sacred relationships like that between a mother and her children. Love betrayal turns into abysmal hatred and directs everyone's fate. Medea - who for the sake of Jason betrayed her family, stole the Golden Fleece and left her homeland - is isolated in Corinth among people who consider her foreign, barbaric. When Jason announces to her that he will marry Glaucus, the daughter of the Corinthian king Creon, the hurt and scorned Medea transforms into a dark and vengeful wildling. "A woman may not bear to hear of battles and swords, but when her love is besieged, there is no more warlike soul," writes the poet, and he has Medea destroy her young rival by sending her poisoned gifts that cause the gruesome her death. Betrayed Medea doesn't stop there. She does the unthinkable: she kills her children with her own hands.
Medea kills her children not just to avenge Jason, but mainly to save them from the hands of her enemies, not to allow the power to kill them. That is why Euripides - despite her heinous act - in the end, instead of punishing her, deifies her.
MEDEA | Athena Maximou
JASON – CREON – TEACHER | Emilios Cheilakis
AEGEAS – TROFOS – ANGEL | Anastasis Roilos
DANCE TOPS | Myrto Alikakis, Iota Nega
Petrina Giannakou
Myra Gravanis
Alexandra Drandakis
George Zygouris
Eleftheria Kontogeorgis
Erietta Manouri
Vassilis Boutsikos
George Noussis
Dafni Stathatou
Productions Members
Translation: Giorgos Blanas
Direction - Adaptation: Emilios Cheilakis – Manolis Dounias
Original Music – Choir Teaching: Dimitris Kamarotos
Sets-Costumes: Eva Nathena
Movement - Choreography: Patricia Apergi
Lighting: Nikos Vlasopoulos
Speech therapy - speech therapy: Ilias Papathanasiou
Assistant Directors: Nikos Tsimaras
Set Designer-Costume Designer Assistant: Dafni-Chrysis Fotinatou
Assistant Choreographer: Emmanuela Sakellari
Photos: Marilena Anastasiadou
Makeup: Sissy Petropoulou
Production direction: Efi Panourgia
Production execution: Yannis Koulouris
Tour manager: Alexandra Kouzuna
"You must not say" the song of the performance Medea with music by Dimitris Kamarotou and lyrics by him from the 5th stanza of Euripides' Medea translated by Giorgos Blanas. Performed by Iota Nega, leading dancer in the performance by Emilios Cheilakis and Manolis Dounias.