“The Tailor of Words”: August 20 at the 8th Andros International Festival

The 8th Andros International Festival invite you to the show
"The Tailor of Words" by Antonis Papatheodoulou
Performance of the MIKROS NOTOS group
Saturday 20 August 2022 at 20:00 at the Open Theater of Chora
Tickets are sold out
"...Once upon a time in a small town that still looked like a village there lived a unique tailor. Unique not only because there was no other tailor in town but because this tailor made his clothes with words! He carefully chose his words for each individual resident, so wearing his clothes they spent their winters warm and summers always cool. But time passed, the city grew and the inhabitants became hasty and forgetful and forgot Raftakos. And a winter fell so heavy that none of their new clothes could warm them. Then they remembered their Raftako who weaved the words so beautifully and warmed up again. Because words are what warm, cool and ultimately comfort every heart...."
«Ο Ραφτάκος των λέξεων» του Αντώνη Παπαθεοδούλου έγινε η sold out παράσταση της σεζόν 2019-2020 στο Ίδρυμα Μιχάλης Κακογιάννης, στην καλοκαιρινή περιοδεία (2021), στο θέατρο Άνεσις, έχοντας συμπληρώσει περισσότερες από 300 παραστάσεις!
Ένα σύγχρονο παραμύθι που έχει κερδίσει τις καρδιές μικρών και μεγάλων, τρυφερό, συγκινητικό και επίκαιρο όσο ποτέ, μιλά για τη δύναμη των λέξεων, για την ανάγκη της ανθρώπινης επικοινωνίας, για την αγάπη, την παρηγοριά και τη ζεστασιά που προσφέρει ο ανθρώπινος λόγος.
After the sold out performances with the play “The Raftakos of Words” by Antonis Papatheodoulou at the Michalis Kakogiannis Foundation, at the theater of Chora, the theater group Mikros Notos brings the favorite story of young and old to life again. “The Raftakos of words”, a modern fairy tale that has won the hearts of young and old, tender, touching and relevant as ever, talks about the power of words, about the need for human communication, about love, comfort and warmth offered by human reason.
Mikros Notos brings to life before our eyes a much-loved book of children and adults. With pure materials – live music, movement, interaction, pantomime – the theater group Mikros Notos creates a hand-made performance as warm and as colorful as the blanket of Raftakos that wrapped and finally warmed all the inhabitants of his town.
Writer: Antonis Papatheodoulou Theatrical arrangement-lyrics: Tina Iotopoulou Director: Giorgos Tzavaras Artistic editor-text editor-assistant director: Chrysa Diamantopoulou Original Music: Nikos Platyrahos Art editor-costume designer: Georgia Bourda Motion editor: Anna Anousaki Actors: Nikos Axiotis, Dimitris Giannis, Elsa Lumbardia Live music: The Mikros Notos group Design-teaching of rhythmic landscape: Giorgos Tzavaras Teaching of songs: Nikos Platyrahos Scientific design of interactive part: Flora Spyrou Graphic design of material: k2design Press officer: Evangelia Skrompola Production organization: Chrysa Diamantopoulou Production: MIKROS NOTOS AMKE
Duration: 65 min
Tickets: 10,00 euros