The 8th International Andros Festival 2022 came to an end

The performances of the 8th Andros International Festival have been successfully completed
For the 8th year, the Andros International Festival, under the artistic direction of Pantelis Voulgaris, presented the most important theatrical and musical productions of this year, with the participation of renowned artists and figures, such as Tania Tsanaklidou, Yiannis Stankoglou, Aris Biniaris, Alekos Syssovitis, Ioannis Papazisis, Argyris Pantazaras, Sissy Toumasi, Yiannis Kotsiras, Argyro Chiotis, Aimilios Chilakis, Athena Maximou, Myrto Alikakis, Giota Nega, Anastasis Roilos, Martha Frindzila, the Australian director Wendy Beckett, the Vassilis Tsitsanis orchestra, the "Mikros Notos" theater group, the Andros Music Association etc. Also, an important moment for the Festival was the speech of the historian, professor of EKPA Maria Efthimiou, organized by the Kaireio Library.
All the events were warmly embraced by the people of Andros, residents and visitors, who after the two difficult years of the pandemic once again filled the Open Theater of Chora.
The event was organized by the Urban Non-Profit Society "Friends of the Andros Festival", with the support of Andriots and non-sponsors and the help of the Andros Municipality. AMKE "Friends of the Andros Festival" thanks the volunteers and workers of the Festival who for another year contributed to its successful conduct.
With the strength given to us by the response of the public as well as the enthusiasm of the participating artists and all those who worked for the Festival, we are renewing our appointment for next summer, at the 9th Andros International Festival.
Photos: Maria Lambriadou